Peer Learning in Biology Courses with Dr. Corbitt

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December 8, 2021 3:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time

Dr. Corbitt has used peer learning in her upper level biology courses at the University of Louisville. In this workshop, we start off by going over peer learning - the benefits, how it can be implemented, and key considerations to make it a successful experience for professor and students alike.

Whether you teach biology courses, other STEM courses, or are looking to incorporate peer learning in your discipline, this workshop will provide the overview to give you the context into peer learning and the opportunity to ask questions during our Q/A.

What to expect:

  • Introduction - Kritik and eText, Benefits of Peer Learning, Sharing of Research
  • How to support students across all levels and stages of learning
  • Overview and Breakdown of Kritik
  • Activity examples and use case by Dr. Corbitt
  • Panel Discussion
  • Q/A

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